Author Guidelines

  • At maximum, only two manuscripts of an author shall be published in a single issue, i.e., one as a principal author and another as a co-author, or both as a co-author.
  • The corresponding author shall ensure that there is no plagiarism in the manuscript, that the similarity is less than 10% (if any) and is properly cited with the original source(s) where required.
  • The author(s) shall ensure that any data or ideas taken from other sources are properly cited according to international standards of academic publishing and format/requirements of IJMT.
  • The international standards of research ethics must be followed and ensured by the author(s) during the designing, conducting, writeup and publication of the manuscript. 
  • The author(s) must insert their ORCID iD at the submission stage within the relevant section of their user account in IJMT.
  • The author(s) must allow their ORCID iDs to be embedded into the article metadata in the online system of IJMT.
  • Complete affiliation details of the author(s) shall be provided at the submission stage of the manuscript, and for all affiliations, if the author(s) are affiliated with more than one institution.
  • Both the official and personal Email IDs of the corresponding author and ORCID iD of all authors will be inserted/printed on the final approved/published manuscript.
  • The minimum word limit for a manuscript of a quantitative study is 6000 words, including the list of references.
  • The length of a manuscript with qualitative and/or mix-method study must be 8000-12000 words, including the list of references.
  • The manuscripts shall be edited by an English language expert, preferably a native speaker, before submission to IJMT.
  • Style of the referencing and citations must be ensured according to APA guidelines (latest edition).
  • An in-text citation style shall be used for citing a reference with a complete list of the references at the end of the manuscript.
  • The author(s) shall reflect on their citation practices and ensure that globally reputed authors have been cited and, in particular, the authors from the country or countries of which the manuscript is written about.
  • IJMT reserves the right to edit, modify, make addition or deletion to the article or may request the corresponding author to do so at any stage if necessary.
  • Text of the manuscript shall be single-spaced, used 11-point font size.
  • All illustrations, figures and tables shall be placed within the text at the appropriate points rather than at the end of the manuscript.
  • The author(s) shall ensure that the manuscript is not already submitted and/or is under review for publication elsewhere.
  • The manuscript already submitted elsewhere and/or under review for publication shall not be accepted by the IJMT.
  • The corresponding author shall ensure that there is no conflict of interest among the principal author and the co-authors.
  • A manuscript once forwarded to the peer-review stage in the IJMT online system, cannot be withdrawn by the author(s).
  • The manuscripts considered for the peer-review process shall not be submitted/published elsewhere, unless rejected by IJMT.
  • A manuscript considered for the editorial review or the peer-review process does not mean an acceptance or approval for publication in IJMT.
  • An acceptance letter for the manuscript may be issued after the peer-review processes only if recommended by the editorial committee for publication in IJMT.
  • The author(s) must allow IJMT with the non-exclusive right to circulate the manuscript and all other derivative works, such as translations.
  • The author(s) shall carefully read the author guidelines and ensure that all the requirements and conditions of IJMT are fulfilled before submission of the manuscript.
  • The manuscript shall be submitted through our online system in MS Word file to the editorial team.
  • The corresponding author is required to register and/or log-in to his/her user account on the website portal (online system) of IJMT before submission of the manuscript.
  • The author(s) shall provide a signed agreement form according to our format with an undertaking that all the requirements of IJMT are fulfilled before and during the manuscript submission.