Transformational Leadership Mediates the Relationship Between Employee Engagement and Performance in Production Media


  • Fahad Batti Marshoudi Department of Business and Accountancy, Universiti Selangor (UNISEL) Malaysia
  • Zaharuzaman Jamaluddin 3Department of Business and Accountancy, Universiti Selangor (UNISEL) Malaysia
  • Faisal Ibrahim Al Balushi Department of Business and Accountancy, UNISEL Selangor University, Malaysia



Employee Engagement, Employee Performance, Leadership Style, media industry, Oman


The impact of leadership styles (LS) on employee performance (EP) and growth is profound, especially regarding engagement. This study delves into the type of leadership and its role in bridging the gap between employee involvement and accomplishments within the production media sector in Oman, specifically in audio and video production. This descriptive research seeks to discern patterns that can predict specific outcomes. The focus is mainly on employees who do not hold managerial roles in the Omani production media industry. For this study, data was collected from an estimated 312 participants. The PLS-SEM technique was the tool of choice to dissect the connections between the variables at play. Impressively, the outcomes validated all the presented hypotheses. On an academic level, this research contributes to the broader understanding of employee efficiency. It provides tangible evidence that could be pivotal for enhancing the productivity of Oman's production media sector. In a broader sense, the research's methodology offers a blueprint that can be adapted by tweaking the variables to analyze and boost EP and achievement in various settings.




How to Cite

Marshoudi, F. B., Jamaluddin, Z., & Al Balushi, F. I. (2023). Transformational Leadership Mediates the Relationship Between Employee Engagement and Performance in Production Media. International Journal of Management Thinking, 1(2), 78–100.

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